Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Fwd: August English Stammtisch Ulm

Subject: August English Stammtisch Ulm

Hello everyone, 
First week of August, already time for our next meeting! We will meet a bit earlier this month, but there will also be an additional meeting in Günzburg with Sarah on our usual date (3rd Friday of the month).
Ulm Stammtisch
Friday August 9th, 7pm
Hundskomödie, Friedrichsau, Ulm
Günzburg Stammtisch
Friday August 16th, 7pm
Trauben Keller 'griechische Spezialitäten'
Dillinger Straße 20, 89312 Günzburg
Both restaurants have a very pleasant biergarten! Hopefully many of you can make it to either or both meetings!
We won't be playing softball this month, but our next game is tentatively planned for September 6th. Make sure to RSVP for updates if you're interested.
Best regards,

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