Friday, July 19, 2019

Fwd: Email English Stammtisch - Reminder

Subject: Email English Stammtisch - Reminder

Hi Everyone
It was great to have such a good turnout last night.  A perfect evening to be outside.
Unfortunately, though, there was a problem with the bills again.
The people who stayed longer ended up paying for beverages that others had forgotten to pay for,
Thank you Gerry, Sue, Paul and Zaid for paying the difference. 
I'm wondering, too, if there was confusion with the electronic system at Drei Kannen, because a few people in our group went into the restaurant to pay.
Possibly those beverages were still listed as unpaid on our server's device. 
Next time, please be careful about paying – and it would probably be best to pay our server directly. Maybe less confusion that way.
Next Stammtisch will be on 15 August.  If the weather looks good in August, I think we could go to Drei Kannen again.
Til then
Dawn and Heather 

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