Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fwd: English Stammtisch - April 19th

From: "Dawn+Dietmar Waessle"
Date: 10. April 2012 21:13:32 MESZ
To: "Burton Heather"
Subject: English Stammtisch - April 19th

Hello Everyone
It's Back to Bavaria this month.     We heard positive feedback from some of you about Taverne in Neu Ulm - so let's meet there again this month.
DATE:     19 April
TIME:     - starting at 7 p.m.
VENUE:   TAVERNE zum Griechen
                    Johannesplatz 7          (Parallel to - and between - Augsburgerstr and Friedensstr. - but I'm sure you'll google it.)
                    89231 Neu Ulm             (near St. Johann Baptist Church)
As always - if you have books and/or magazines in English you'd like to swap , please bring them along. 
You're welcome to make announcements and pass on information, too. 
See you there.
Heather and Dawn
ps - Did you know that this Stammtisch group was started 14 years ago?

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