Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Fwd: [Englisch Stammtisch in Ulm] Ok, I've booked the tables at Himilaya Indian...

From: "Sarah Jane Lees" 
Date: 11. April 2012 16:53:33 MESZ
To: Englisch Stammtisch in Ulm 
Subject: [Englisch Stammtisch in Ulm] Ok, I've booked the tables at Himilaya Indian...

Ok, I've booked the tables at Himilaya Indian...
Sarah Jane Lees 4:53pm Apr 11
Ok, I've booked the tables at Himilaya Indian Restaurant for tomorrow's Stammtisch at 7pm - 25 people! They told me more than 25 probably won't be, let's see what happens and how many come... ;) It should be a great night, whatever happens of course though! :D Looking forward to it and seeing you there! :)) x

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