Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Fwd: English Stammtisch - September 23rd

Subject: English Stammtisch - September 23rd

Hello Everyone

It was nice seeing everyone again last month, after such a long Covid break.

Thank you Robert , for reminding me that it's time for another English Stammtisch.  Time flies - especially when you're retired.

How about Hundskomödie this time?  That's in Friedrichsau Park - in case there is someone new to the list.

Hundskomödie Pizzeria **September 23rd, starting at 7 p.m.  **   http://www.hundskomoedie.de/images/speisekarte.pdf

Could you please let me know by Friday if you plan to be there.   Just a return email with a YES - or I'll be there.  is fine.      

I won't be able to be there next week - but I will reserve a table for the group before I go.   And remember to check the Covid rules next week - or check with Hundskomödie, about what they require of guests. 

See you,

Dawn and Heather B.

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