Tuesday, July 07, 2020

July English Stammtisch Ulm Facebook Group

July English Stammtisch Ulm Facebook Group

Hello everyone, 
It's been a long time since I last wrote, as we couldn't hold any events. I hope you're all safe and healthy, and could make the best out of a difficult situation. While the global pandemic is far from over, the situation here appears to have improved enough so that we can start to have gatherings again.
We will be having a Stammtisch this Friday at Teutonia. Depending on how many people we are, we might have to be divided into two or more "smaller" groups, but that's hardly different from our usual meetings. Please refer to any official source of information for more details the current regulations regarding restaurants and biergartens. 
Also, please stay at home in the unlikely case that you think might have been in contact with the virus, or have travelled back from a high-risk area recently. 
Friday July 10th, 7pm
Teutonia Biergarten & Restaurant
Friedrichsaustr. 6, 89073, Ulm (in the middle of Friedrichsau)
RSVP welcome.
Also, we're discussing when we might play softball again. Let me know if you're interested, and I'll inform you once we've decided on a date.
Best regards,

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