Monday, October 07, 2019

Fwd: Facebook October English Stammtisch Ulm

Subject: October English Stammtisch Ulm

Hello everyone, 
This month's meeting will be on the 18th at Zunfthaus der Schiffleute.
Friday October 18th, 7pm
Zunfthaus der Schiffleute
Fischergasse 31, 89073, Ulm
Hope to see many of you there!
Best regards,


RAHA said...

Hi all,

I just moved to Ulm from New York City and I’m looking to meet and get to know fellow English speaking people. Are you planning to host any upcoming events or gatherings? Would love to know.
I should also note that I am trying to avoid using Facebook since their data breach therefore it had been a bit more difficult to network and find communities. Any other recommendations?

alan heath said...

Hi, just show up to the meeting above and introduce yourself and ask to be added to the email list