Friday, May 24, 2019

Fwd: Softball

Subject: Fw: Softball

Hello again, 
Just to clarify: we will be playing on Friday May 31st, starting at 5:30pm. 
Best regards,

Betreff: Softball
Hello everyone, 
We will be playing softball again on Friday next week. The location is the same as usual, between the lake and the Danube in the Friedrichsau.
We really play just for fun, so everyone is welcome. Our coach George has all the equipment and is great at teaching the proper technique to make sure everyone has a good time. There is a bit of running involved, but you definitely won't be dripping in sweat at the end.
Hope to see many of you there! As always, make sure to reply to this email if you plan to come, so that I can send you updates in case of uncertain weather.
Best regards,

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