Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Fwd: April Stammtisch

Subject: April Stammtisch

Hello everyone, 
I hope you're all doing well. Our next meeting will be on Friday next week, that is the 20th of April. After going mostly to Swabian restaurants in the last few months, we'll do something completely different this time and go to a Bavarian restaurant! I hope to see many of you there!
Friday April 20th, 7pm
Wirsthaus zur Brezel, 
Ulmergasse 8, 89073 Ulm 
--- Softball ---
We will be playing softball again in the Friedrichsau this summer. (Big thanks to our coach George who once again volunteers to organize this!)
We will be monitoring the weather and also especially the ongoing construction work in the Friedrichsau closely, as we hope to be able to have our first game soon. Of course, I will write again with all the details when the field is free and we can start playing. 
Best regards,

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