Friday, September 30, 2016

Fwd: October English Stammtisch


How are you? I hope you're all well and you've been enjoying this wonderful late summery weather!


Our Stammtisch in October will be next Thursday evening already!

N.B.: There will be no softball game in October, it will start next spring again ;-) The last game is to happen today! - Friday, September the 30th, from the earlier time of 5pm due to the fact it gets darker earlier now. ;-)


The details of the next Stammtisch, are as follows:


Date:            Thursday 6th October


Time:   from 7pm onwards


Where:         Restaurant:         Asia Cuisine, Ulm

                     Address:               Frauenstraße 39, 89073 Ulm


                     Phone:                  0731 1409 888



Please note:

  • It is very important if you want to bring any extra people along with you, that you let me know please. I must know for the tables and chairs! Many thanks.

We hope to see plenty of you there!


Thanks everyone.


Take care and enjoy the rest of your week and weekend! :-)


All our very best,

Sarah and Vincent

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