Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Fwd: English Stammtisch - May 19th

Subject: English Stammtisch - May 19th

Hello Everyone
The next Stammtisch will be May 19th at Tanivera Pizza e Pasta
Winhofberg 7, 89073 Ulm
Starting at 7 p.m.
I'm sorry to say that your fearless leaders (that means Heather and myself) won't be able to be there.
We have appointed Dietmar as our replacement.  Have an enjoyable evening.
A question:  Would anyone be interested in practicing English conversation with a couple in Senden?  Please contact me if you're interested.
                     They are both very talkative and I know the man's English is at an intermediate level. 
All for this evening.
Dawn and Heather

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