Monday, January 04, 2016

January English Stammtisch :-) (14.01.2016)

January English Stammtisch :-) (14.01.2016)


Hi all, J


How are you all?! I hope you're well, and you had a lovely time celebrating over Christmas and New Year's Eve. Hopefully you all had a lovely, enjoyable and relaxing break. I had a wonderful time over Christmas in Wales, and then celebrated New Year's Eve here in Germany with Raclette – in true German style. ;-) Hopefully I'll see some of you very soon, and then I'll be able to hear how you all celebrated and started off your new year.


I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy, healthy, prosperous, peaceful, successful, joyful, loving and simply wonderful New Year for 2016! J I wish you all things positive, and hope that this year will be all you hoped for, and more! J


Here are the details of our New Year's Stammtisch below. (I decided not to have it on the 1st Thursday of the month again due to the bank holiday this Wednesday. I thought perhaps some people may be away. Therefore I have put it back one week. I have also decided to try somewhere new for us! ;-) I am really looking forward to trying this place out for the group, and hope very much to see plenty of you there with us!



Date:                  Thursday 14th January


Time:                  From 7pm onwards


Place:                 Hacker-Pschorr, Ulm


Address:            Sterngasse 17

        89073 Ulm/Donau




Telephone:         0731 15 52 222


Looking forward to seeing you, and celebrating the start of the New Year together! ;-)


Take care and have a great week.


All my very best,


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