Sunday, January 31, 2016

Fwd: February English Stammtisch

Subject: February English Stammtisch


Hi all, J


I hope you're all well. I moved house last Saturday, plus I had a huge amount of work on top of that what with my university students having their exams. That is the reason why I have sent the Stammtisch emails out so late. I'm so sorry about that, but I was just way too busy and also too stressed. I also had no internet in the new flat until the day before yesterday, which made things even harder. The Stammtisch will be the second Thursday in the month, instead of the first Thursday, as I will be extremely busy with marking exams this coming week.


So here are the details of our next Stammtisch:



Date:                 Thursday 11th February 2016


Time:                 From 7pm onwards


Place:                Keio Gourmet, Neu-Ulm


Address:           Nelsonallee 12, 89231 Neu-Ulm





Telephone:       0731 94586988


I hope to see plenty of you there!  We've been to this restaurant twice before, and the food is very good. I'm really looking forward to it! Please let me know if you'd like to being anyone extra with you as always, just so that we can ensure we'll have enough chairs and table space for everyone. Thanks a lot!


Take care and enjoy the rest of the weekend!


All my very best,


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