Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Fwd: March English Stammtisch! :-)

Das Subject: March English Stammtisch! :-)


Hi everyone! J


I hope you're all well and managing not to catch these horrible cold's and flu's that seem to be spreading around here everywhere at the moment.


Here are all the details for our next Stammtisch for March. We're continuing with the normal meet-up on the 1st Thursday of the month. Therefore it's next Thursday! ;-)


I thought I'd try Q-Muh again for this month. Besides burgers and steaks, Q-Muh also have delicious salads, and Flammkuchen! Therefore if anyone doesn't eat meat, like me - there's still something for you here! J

N.B.: I've already booked the tables for this. (for 40 people). Please do just let me know if you'd like to bring anyone extra along with you. That's fine! The more the merrier! But we may not have enough seats for everyone if people turn up unannounced. Thank you! ;-)


If you don't know where this restaurant is already, my mobile number is in my signature at the bottom of this email!



Where:                       Q-Muh Steakhouse and Burger Restaurant


When:                         Thursday March 3rd


Time:                          from 7pm onwards


Address:                     Lautengasse 4, 89073 Ulm


Phone number:         0731 602 88 66




I hope you can make it! Looking forward to seeing you there! J


Take care, have a great rest of the week, and stay healthy!


All the best,


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