Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Fwd: February English Stammtisch! :-)

Subject: February English Stammtisch! :-)



Hi all,


How are you? I hope you're all well and surviving all the various illnesses that seem to be going around at the moment? I'm now in my third week being ill with whatever it is I've got. It's very annoying, so hopefully I'll be rid of it again soon!...


Anyway, here are the details for our next Stammtisch!


It's next Thursday, as next Thursday is the first Thursday in February, and that's almost always when we have our Stammtisch meet ups. ;-) I hope to see plenty of you there, and as always, if you plan to come, please do let me know as it's important for the booking and to ensure we have enough tables and chairs for everyone. Many thanks!



When?                      Thursday 6th February 2014


What time?             From 7pm onwards ( – but you are of course, as always, more than welcome to arrive later if you need to!)


Where?                    Barfüßer, Ulm.

Address:                   Lautenberg 1, 89073 Ulm.


Website:                  http://www.barfuesser-brauhaus.de/ulm/__Ulm.html



Hope to see you then! I'll be really looking forward to it! J


Take care and have a great week.


All the very best,


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