Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fwd: English Stammtisch - October 18th

From: "D. Waessle" 
Date: 14. Oktober 2012 11:29:57 MESZ
To: "Burton Heather"
Subject: English Stammtisch - October 18th

Hi Everyone
How about German food this time??   Let's meet at  7 p.m. on October 18th  at :
Drei Kannen Historisches Brauhaus 
Hafenbad 31/1 
89073 Ulm

Telefon 0731• 6 77 17
Let  Heather or me know if you've found a new restaurant or pub that you'd recommend for Stammtisch get-togethers in the future.
It should be big enough to accomodate 25 or more people, not too loud, good food, good beer -and centrally located in Ulm or Neu Ulm, if possible.
Hope you can make it next week.
Dawn and Heather

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