Monday, September 24, 2012

Fwd: October English Stammtisch!! :-))

From: "Sarah Jane Lees" 
Date: 24. September 2012 18:41:18 MESZ
Subject: October English Stammtisch!! :-))




Hi everyone! J


How are you all? I hope you're well, and you've had a great summer/holiday if I still haven't seen you yet?!

And welcome to those of you who I have just recently added onto my e-mailing list!


Here are the details for our next Stammtisch – NEXT Thursday!!


N.B: I thought I'd try somewhere else (kind of new). This is what used to be Spazz. It's now changed owners, name and menu.

It's now a kind of Burger bar, but being a pesco-vegetarian myself, I can confrim that they do have options for the non-meat-eaters amongst us. :-)



Where?                                    Q-MUH 



Address:                                   Lautengasse 4     89073 Ulm



Extras:                                      Website:

                                                              Telephone: (07 31) 6 02 88 66 

                                                 Google Maps Link:,9.98841&spn=0.001249,0.002642&sll=48.79239,9.008789&sspn=3.590066,10.821533&t=h&hnear=Lautengasse+4&z=19


When?                                      Thursday 4th October, from 7pm onwards.




Please Note:                                         If you would like to come, please let me know so that I can book enough tables and chairs. Also if you are bringing any extra people along, please let me know.

                                                              Thanks very much.



I hope you can make it! :-)


Looking forward to seeing you.


Take care.


Best wishes, 


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