Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fwd: February English Stammtisch.

From: "Sarah Jane Lees"
Date: 23. Januar 2012 20:11:14 MEZ
February English Stammtisch.


Hi everyone! J


How are you all? Well I hope?!...


Here are the details for you for February's Stammtisch:



When?                                  Thursday 2nd February, from 7pm onwards.


Where? (Name :)                Thai-Haus Tuitong, Ulm.

   (Address :)             Olgastr. 62, 89073.

   (Telephone :)        07316027961.


Google maps link:               http://maps.google.de/maps?hl=de&tab=wl

Website (Qype Link:)          http://www.qype.com/place/484475-Thai-Haus-Tuitong-Ulm


As usual, please let me know (as soon as possible) if you'd like to come, and if so how many of you there'll be if you're bringing anyone extra along. ;-)

(By the way, just in case any of you are wondering – to those of you I told before about going to the place near the Volkshochschule in February…we'll probably be going there in March instead, as it won't be possible this month now, as I found out from the owner today.)

Thanks very much and I hope to see you there then!

Have a great week!

Best wishes,


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