Monday, January 30, 2012

Fwd: Americans in Ulm

From: Alan Leon Heath
Date: 30. Januar 2012 08:15:56 MEZ
To: Caramia Wintterer
Subject: Re: Americans in Ulm

Hi Caramia,
I'm case you get this twice, my phone is acting funny. 

I haven't been to a stammtisch in a long time, but they're free and open, do just watch for posting as to time and place and just show up. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 28.01.2012, at 21:31, "Caramia Wintterer" wrote:

Hi Alan,
got the Blog "Americans in Ulm" from a friend of mine. I was born and raised in California, been here for over 23 yrs already, live in Biberch but work at the University Clinic in Ulm. Would love to go to the Stammtisch but could not register in not know why it kept on repeating itself. Could not reply. Could you give me more info? Have american friends down by Laupheim-Biberach-Bodensee but not where I am everyday. Would love to meet and make more friends. I am so homesick although I`ve been here so long. Long story - just like alot of have I guess. Best regards, Caramia

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