Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fw: December English Stammtisch - Thursday 1st December 2011.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 2:34 PM
Subject: December English Stammtisch - Thursday 1st December 2011.




Hi all! J


How are you? I hope you're still all managing to stay healthy despite this cold, autumn/winter weather we're having at the moment!


Here are the details for our next English Stammtisch:


Day:                 Thursday 1st December 2011.


Time:               7:00pm onwards.


Where:            Café Einstein
Cafe • Bar

Wichernstraße 10
89073 Ulm.

Tel:                  +49 (0) 731 - 256 61      
Fax:                  +49 (0) 731 - 921 380 22



Please let me know if you are able to make it, and then I'll add you to my list for booking the tables and chairs!

You are very welcome to bring friends/partners etc. along too, just let me know first though please. ;-)


Thanks and I hope to see you there! J


Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Best wishes,



P.S: If you want to be removed from this e-mail list, please just let me know and I'll remove you. Thanks.


Sarah Jane Lees

Mobile/Mobiltel.:        +49-157-86861231



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