Monday, February 28, 2011

Fw: March English Stammtisch - DATE CHANGE!!!!!

Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 9:59 PM
Subject: WG: March English Stammtisch - DATE CHANGE!!!!!


Hi all,


I'm so sorry, but I made a mistake.

I totally forgot that this Thursday 3 March is the "Weiber Fastnacht"! How silly of me! ;)
Please forgive me but I'm now going to change the date of the Stammtisch for this month. We will now meet one week later.
So, now…our meet up will take place on Thursday 10 March. Same time, same place as I said in the last e-mail to you. (Café Kornhauskeller in Ulm.) From 7pm.
The address again is:

Hafengasse 19,

89073, Ulm.


And the website address is:


Sorry again for the mix up.


I hope you all get this and don't turn up this week, but the week after that instead!


Let me know if you want to come along!


Thanks everyone!


Have a great two weeks! ;)

Hope to see you there!


Best wishes,


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