Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Fw: English Stammtisch - Nov. 15th

Subject: English Stammtisch - Nov. 15th

Hi Everyone
I hope you already have your snowtires on your car!  It looks like you may need them to get to
 English Stammtisch on Nov. 15th at Cafe Ambiente in Söflingen, Gemeindeplatz 11 - starting at 7 p.m.
The cafe is in "downtown" Söflingen. You can easily walk there from the streetcar's final stop - if the snow is too deep to drive! ;-) You may remember meeting at Cafe Ambiente quite a few times several years ago. Our old room way upstairs has now been designated as the smoking room - so I've reserved tables on the first floor instead. The food selection is limited at Ambiente, but you can eat there.
If you have any books, magazines, or English-related information to share, please bring them along.
Hope to see you there.
Heather and Dawn

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