Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Fwd: Stammtisch February: Peppers?

Subject: Stammtisch February: Peppers?


Dear All,


For February 16th a potential visit to a different food continent of the Americas is at the Mexican eaterie "Peppers" near the theatre in Ulm. For a group booking, they expect everyone to also order some food at least. I have attached the menu card, kindly supplied by Julia Marten, so that you can see what is on offer. Please let me know if people are interested so that I can get an idea of numbers for a potential reservation to be made by the beginning of February.


All the best,

Robert Blakytny

Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Fwd: First Stammtisch of 2023: 19th Jan

Dear All,


After the positive feedback, the first Stammtisch of 2023 will be:


Thursday 19th January

from 7pm


Kon-ya Ramen


Ludwigstraße 29





The booking is for the English Stammtisch under my surname (Blakytny).


With nine people already confirmed, twelve places have been provisionally booked. If anyone else is definitely coming, please let me know in case I need to add seats.


All the best,
