Monday, November 12, 2018

Fwd: Email English Stammtisch - November 15th

Subject: Email English Stammtisch - November 15th

Hi Everyone
I heard that the group was very small last month. Maybe a few more of you can make it this time.
With all the events in December, I think it would be better if we don't meet in December.  You can let me know on Thursday what you think.
Let's meet at Méze again:
Date:  November 15th
Time:  Starting at 7 p.m.
Venue:  Méze Restaurant Zum Griechen,  Neue Strasse 56, 89073 Ulm
See you there – but I will be a bit late.
Dawn   - and Heather

Monday, November 05, 2018

Fwd: November English Stammtisch Ulm

Subject: November English Stammtisch Ulm

Hello everyone, 
This month's gathering will be at Barfüßer in the Neue Mitte. (Not Barfüßer in Neu-Ulm where we have also gone several times in the past.)
November 23rd, 7pm
Barfüßer die Hausbrauerei
Neue Straße 87-89, 89073, Ulm
I hope to see many of you there! :-)
Best regards,