Subject: [Englisch Stammtisch in Ulm] Frauenakademie vh ulm would like to invite women...
Reni Tech added a photo in Englisch Stammtisch in Ulm.
Reni Tech January 18 at 11:43am
Frauenakademie vh ulm would like to invite women of all ages and educational backgrounds, with and without an immigration biography to attend the info event for Lernhaus der Frauen, a qualification concept for obtaining intercultural competences. It was developed as a Bundesmodel project from 2005-2008 and named in the National Integration Plan as an example of good practice. Since October 2010, the Lernhaus qualification takes place at the Women's Academy of the Ulm Adult Education Center.
Info Session:
2018/01/22 Monday 6pm
Ulmer Volkshochschule
EinsteinHaus, Club Orange
For further information please feel free to contact :
Frauenakademie vh ulm would like to invite women of all ages and educational backgrounds, with and w...