Sunday, July 30, 2017

Fwd: Softball Game (Yay!)

Subject: Softball Game (Yay!)

Hello everyone,
We'll be having our next softball game this coming week on Thursday, that is on August 3rd. We'll be starting at 6:30pm.
As always, we'll be playing in the Friedrichsau close to Volksfest grounds and all the equipment is provided. Just come dressed for sports, and perhaps bring some water, bug repellent and sunglasses.
If you've never played before, don't worry, as our coach George and other more experienced players are there to give tips and explain the rules. In the end, everyone always has a good time! :-)
Just to give you an idea, you'll have to hit a ball with a bat and then run, and also throw and catch the ball. Running is about 20-30 meters at a time.
Please note, there will be no "regular" Stammtisch on this day. There will be a Stammtisch in August, though, for those who won't be away on vacation. Stay tuned for the details!
Best regards,

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Fwd: English Stammtisch - July 20th

Subject: English Stammtisch - July 20th

Hello Everyone
Let's meet at Ratskeller this month – starting at 7 p.m. on July 20th
Marktplatz 1 – 89073 Ulm
They promised to find a quiet corner for us.
Hope you can make it.   And as always – if you have English books and magazines you'd like to swap – bring them along.
See you there
Dawn and Heather
p.s. – for new people – just ask for the tables reserved for Waessle.

Sunday, July 02, 2017

Fwd: July English Stammtisch

Subject: July English Stammtisch

Hello everyone, 
The next English Stammtisch meeting will be on Friday July 14th. It's a bit earlier this month due to organizers being away later in the month. 
We will be going to Teutonia once again (in the Friedrichsau, same location as in June). The reservation is for 19:00. 
Please refer to their webpage for details about how to get there and where to park.
Feel free to let me know if you're coming.
If you're unsure where Teutonia is or are worried you'll get lost in the park, drop me a line and I'll give you a contact number to make sure you can find us. It's quite easy to get lost in the Friedrichsau.
There will be no softball game on the night of the Stammtisch, this time. We'll try to play softball roughly every two weeks from now on, independently from the montly restaurant meetings (they might still coincide on occasion). 
--> Don't forget the next game on Thursday this week (July 6th)! 
Best regards,