Thursday, May 25, 2017

Fwd: Softball Game

Subject: Softball Game

Hello everyone, 
After having to cancel due to rain last week, we'll try again for our first softball game of the year next week on Thursday June 1st. Beginners are welcome and the equipment is provided; just put on sports clothes and shoes and come along!
We will start this time at 18:30 and the meeting point is as usual the open area south-west of the fair grounds. (Let me know if you're not sure of the location.)
There will not be a Stammtisch in parallel to this game, but we often spontaneously decide to go for a meal or drink once we're done playing.
(Save the date: the next Stammtisch will be on June 23rd! Invitation coming soon.)
Should the weather again be on the wet side, I will send an email in the afternoon to those who've replied to let them know whether we'll be playing.
Best regards and hopefully see you next week!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Fwd: English Stammtisch Info - English Comedy Night in Ulm Saturday 27 May

Subject: English Stammtisch Info -  English Comedy Night in Ulm Saturday 27 May

Hi Everyone
Here's a message from "Vice-President" Heather.   She received the following information.
Sounds like it will be an entertaining evening.
See you Thursday at Dreikannen.

Ich bin ehmaliger Student und veranstalte in meiner Freizeit
Shows für Musiker und Künstler.
Zum erstem mal verlasse ich dabei den Bereich der Musik und veranstalte
am 27. Mai eine Comedy Night mit drei Stand-Up Comedians.

(at Heidi - near Ostbahnhof and Radio 7 in Ulm. Gaisenbergstrasse 32 in Ulm)

Da zwei der drei Comedians ihr Programm auf Englisch vortragen, dachte
ich, es könnte vielleicht interessant für Sie und Ihre Studierenden sein.
Sowohl für Erasmus-Studenten, die nicht Deutsch sprechen, als auch für
deutsche Studenten, die Englisch lernen und ihr Hörverständnis
verbessern wollen.
Da die Comedians selbst erst Mitte/Ende Zwanzig sind, können sich
Studenten meist sehr gut mit ihnen und ihrem Programm identifizieren.
Auch die Mischung ist, glaube ich, sehr interessant, da Jack Holmes
british English spricht und Reginald Bärris american Englisch.
Als deutscher Comedian vervollständigt Alexander Hesse dann den Abend.

Anbei habe ich Ihnen noch das Plakat in digitaler Form mitgeschickt.
Falls Sie noch mehr Informationen brauchen, zögern Sie bitte nicht mich
zu kontaktieren.

Viele Grüße
Daniel Kropf
<170527_1stComedy Night_Plakat A3.JPG>

Monday, May 15, 2017

Fwd: Stammtisch this week - May 18th

Subject: Stammtisch this week - May 18th

Hi Everyone
Wow – how time flies.  Already the third week of May. 
Date:   May 18th
Let's meet at :   Historisches Brauhaus Drei Kannen  Hafenbad 31 / 1  - Ulm
Starting at 7 p.m.
See you there
Dawn and Heather

Sunday, May 07, 2017

Fwd: May English Stammtisch and Softball Game

Subject: May English Stammtisch and Softball Game

Hello everyone!
Our next meeting will be on Friday 19th of May in the Hundskomödie, in the Friedrichsau. If you can, let us know if you're coming so we can tell the restaurant how many we'll be.
As we've done in the past years, we will be playing softball in the Summer months, George being our coach and also bringing the equipment. We play in the Friedrichsau (see exact location below), which is conveniently close to the restaurant. We start playing at 6pm, but additional players can join in at any time. If you're not familiar with softball, or think you might not be very good, still do come and give it a try; we always have a couple of beginners, so you won't be alone!
Hundskomödie » Da Giovanni «
Friedrichsau 7, 89073 Ulm
Softball Game
Open area between the Volksfest grounds and the pedestrian bridge
6pm-8pm (approx.)
Best regards,