Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Fwd: July English Stammtisch - change to the location for the restaurant!

Subject: July English Stammtisch - change to the location for the restaurant!


Hi everyone,


I hope you're all well and you're surviving this hot weather we're having so far. ;-)


I'm afraid I've had to change the restaurant for this Thursday evenings Stammtisch. We will now be going to Liederkranz beer garden instead. So please come there instead, otherwise you could be on your own! ;-)


The details are as follows:


Date: Thursday 2nd July

Time: From 7pm onwards for those not taking part in the softball game. (From 8pm onwards for those playing softball).

Address: Friedrichsaustraße 9, 89073 Ulm, Germany

Phone: +49 731 27849


I hope you'll still want to join us now that I've changed the location for the restaurant, if you were already planning to come along anyway.


My mobile phone number is here in the email (Removed by blogger) So please call me if you don't know where to go or get lost!) ;-)


Just let me know if you're not sure about anything.


Many thanks.


Hope to see you there!


Take care and have a great week,


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Fwd: July English Stammtisch

Subject: July English Stammtisch


Hi everyone! J


How are you all doing? I hope you're well, and you've been enjoying the summer so far.


Let me give you the details of our next meet-up! It's this Thursday evening – 2nd July.


So, the details for Thursday are as follows:


Date:             Thursday 2nd July.


Time:             Softball game: from 6:30pm till approximately 8pm. (Then those playing/watching the game, will go on to the restaurant to join the others there who won't be playing/watching the game).


Restaurant: tables will be booked from 7pm onwards for those who don't wish to watch/play the softball game.


Where:         Softball game:       Friedrichsau Park, Ulm.

Location is the same as where we always previously played in the past. We play in the field close to the Festplatz (where the Volksfest, Französichedorf is, etc). There is also a lake nearby as well. For those who don't know exactly where we meet – check out this location below on Google Maps, and/or call me on my mobile if you get lost – 0171 385 1275.

                        Google maps location for the game: (The restaurant is where it says: Friedrichsau 7. And the other point on the map, close to the field, is where the softball game is held. Both locations are in Friedrichsau Park in Ulm, by the Danube river). Click here: https://www.google.de/maps/dir/48.410218,10.014167/Friedrichsau+7,+89073,+Ulm/@48.4087142,10.0143172,498m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m10!4m9!1m1!4e1!1m5!1m1!1s0x4799665e6af05815:0x56e254e0bacf76d4!2m2!1d10.0112!2d48.40759!3e2?hl=de


                        Restaurant: Hundskomödie, Friedrichsau Park, Ulm.

                                                Address: Friedrichsau 7, 89073 Ulm

                                                Website: http://www.hundskomoedie.de/home.php

                                                Phone: 0731 94 58 414


Please note:

·        If you wish to attend the softball game, don't worry if you can't make it as early as 6:30pm, it's still possible to join in if you arrive late. The same thing applies for the meal at the restaurant. If you can't make 7pm, don't worry! Just arrive when you can.

·        Please let me know if you'd like to take part in the softball game or not, when you reply to me. I just need to know how many people are planning on coming for the numbers (– we need at least 20 people to play a proper game).

·        The same thing goes for the meal at the restaurant, I need to know if you're coming, and if you're bringing anyone with you or not.


I hope to see plenty of you there!


Thank you so much everyone!


Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend! J


All my very best,


Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Fwd: English Stammtisch - June 18th

Subject: English Stammtisch - June 18th

Hello Everyone
English Stammtisch next week!   June 18th - starting at 7 p.m.
Daumen drücken Emoticon  Keep your fingers crossed that it will be warm enough and dry enough to sit outside. ( If not - we can go inside.)
Tables are booked in the courtyard at
DREI KANNEN Historisches Brauhaus
 Hafenbad 31/1, 89073 Ulm
Please try to be there at 7 p.m. or soon afterwards.  The beer garden is popular and our tables will be given away if we don't fill them up fairly quickly.
See you there.
Heather and Dawn

Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Fwd: June English Stammtisch - this Friday! :-)

Subject: June English Stammtisch - this Friday! :-)


Hi all J


I hope you're all well and you've had a really nice Pfingstferien/great bank holidays!! J I was away on holiday in Wales, visiting my Dad for the 2 weeks. That's why you didn't get an email from me earlier about the Stammtisch for this month, and also the reason why we didn't have it on the 1st Thursday of the month, as usual. ;-) We're going to have it on a Friday this time!


Again, first we'll have a game of softball, and then we'll follow with the beer garden/restaurant afterwards. (N.B.: As always, you of course don't have to come to both events. You are also more than welcome to just come and watch softball, rather than join in and play. However, I'd thoroughly recommend playing! It's such great fun! J Those playing/watching softball, will then join the others who arrive earlier at the restaurant later on, from 7pm).


The softball game information is as follows:


When:             Friday 12th June 2015, from 6:30pm until around 8:15/8:30pm.


Where:           Friedrichsau Park, Ulm.


N.B.: The location is the same as where we always previously played in the past. We play in the field close to the Festplatz (where the Volksfest, Französichedorf is, etc). There is also a lake nearby. For those who don't know exactly where we meet – check out this location below on Google Maps, and/or call me on my mobile if you get lost – 0171 385 1275.

Google maps location for the game: (Not where it says - Friedrichsau 7! It's the other point on the map, close to the field, not too far away from the river). https://www.google.de/maps/dir/48.410218,10.014167/Friedrichsau+7,+89073,+Ulm/@48.4087142,10.0143172,498m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m10!4m9!1m1!4e1!1m5!1m1!1s0x4799665e6af05815:0x56e254e0bacf76d4!2m2!1d10.0112!2d48.40759!3e2?hl=de



The restaurant details are as follows:


When:             Friday 12th May 2015, from 7pm onwards.


Where:           Teutonia, beer garden / restaurant.

Address:        Friedrichsau 6

89073 Ulm

Tel:                  0731/22950


Website:        http://www.teutonia-ulm.com/index.html


I hope plenty of you can make it!


Please don't forget to R.S.V.P., and also to let me know if you're planning on bringing anyone extra along with you. It just helps me a lot with the booking. Thank you so much!


Take care and have a lovely week everyone! :-D


All my very best,
