Monday, April 28, 2014

Fwd: May English Stammtisch!

Hi again everyone…


I'm so sorry if the date wasn't clear to anyone in my previous email just now!... :-/ I only wrote at the very end of the email that it is next Thursday!


So yes – just to confirm, our meet-up is next Thursday – 8th May! (Not this Thursday, 1st May, because it's a bank holiday!! I also forgot to mention that in the email too, as I know we normally have the Stammtisch on the 1st Thursday of the month. Anyway – this time it's the second Thursday in May).


So, hope to see you next Thursday 8th May! ;-) J


Sorry again for any confusion… I'm very tired today – that's my excuse.. ;-)


Take care,



Fwd: May English Stammtisch!


Hi everyone J


Happy belated Easter to you all! Hope you're all well and you had a lovely Easter break... Not too much small talk in this email I'm afraid, as I still have plenty of studying to be getting on with at the moment!... ;-)


Anyway, we're now back into the softball season again! Some of you will be very pleased to hear that, I'm sure. We often have several people asking us – when is the next game? When is the next game?! Well – now it's here again!... So, as always – whenever we play softball, you all have different options:


1.      If you only want to play softball, you can of course do just that and don't have to come to the restaurant (Hundskomödie) afterwards as well, if you don't want to. (You are also welcome to just watch the game if you don't want to play! – It's both fun to play and fun to watch!)… Also interesting, especially if you've never played before. And if you've never played – don't worry! George, our coach is there to help people with the rules, etc! ;-) J

2.      The same as above, and vice versa – if you only want to come to the restaurant, and don't want to come to softball, that's also of course certainly fine.


So, the details of our next meet-up are as follows:




Where?          in a grassy area Friedrichsau – close to the 'Festplatz' (where they have the Ulmer Zelt and the French village), and also close to the lake. It can be a little hard to find if you've never been before – so – if you get lost at all, please call me on my mobile! 0171 385 1275. ;-) Here is also a Google Maps link, showing the location of the softball (Friedrichsaustraße 9), and the location of Hundskomödie (Friedrichsautraße 7):


Start:              6:30pm

Finish:             approximately 8pm (then we all move over to the restaurant together afterwards)…


*Please note: Softball will only be cancelled if the weather is extremely bad! ;-) If it looks overcast/grey, and looks like it might rain – please still come! We had a situation last year, where the weather looked a little bit iffy, and not enough people turned up to play the game, even though the weather actually turned out to be good enough. We also played in the rain once last year too, and we just got a bit wet, that's all - but we all survived to tell the tale! ;-) J Thank you so much…*


Hundskomödie Italian Pizzeria/Restaurant


Where?          Friedrichsau 7, 89073 Ulm, Germany

When?            For those not taking part in softball, the tables have been reserved from 7pm. (Those who are playing softball, will then join those already at the restaurant, later on, around


Please note: I have reserved the tables outside – under the tent! So the sheltered area outside. It is not possible to reserve the tables completely out in the open, but then if it happens to rain, or be a bit chilly – this will be a better option anyway! ;-)



When you respond to this email to say you would like to come to our May Stammtisch – please can you let me know if you would like to play softball or come to the restaurant, or both?! It just helps with numbers for the game and also with the restaurant booking. Thanks very much. J


So, I think that's it for now then. ;-) If you have any questions at all, please just let me know. Otherwise, I look very much forward to seeing you next Thursday! J Hope you can make it!


Have a great week – especially if it's another long weekend for you! J


Take care.


All the best,

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Fwd: English Stammtisch - April 17th


Begin forwarded message:

From: "D. Waessle"
Subject: English Stammtisch - April 17th

Hi Everyone
English Stammtisch is this week - April 17th -
Johannesplatz 7 in Neu Ulm
Starting at 7 p.m.
Hope you can make it.
Heather and Dawn