Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fw: November Stammtisch meet up!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 4:48 PM
Subject: November Stammtisch meet up!

Hi all!
I would now like to let you all know where I have decided for all of us to meet up this month!
The date is next Thursday, 4th November for those of you that don't know yet.
We'll meet there from 19:00pm. Just come along whenever you can make it.
I thought it would be nice for us to go to L'Osteria in Judenhof, Ulm.
I have been there a few times and I like it quite a bit. I think you would all like it there too! ;)
The website address for this restaurant is:
(So, you can all now have a look on there if you don't know where to go!) ;)
I don't think we will have the same problem that we had with the last meeting I arranged at the Weinfest in October, where a few of you sadly didn't manage to find us. This restaurant isn't all that big, so you should all be able to find the group without a problem.
Please let me know if you want to come along and then I can add you to the numbers to book a table for us!!!! ;)
I hope to see as many of you there as possible!
Looking forward to it very much!
My best and kindest regards to you all,
from Sarah.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fw: October Stammtisch (and an update on the one in September).

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 3:20 PM
Subject: October Stammtisch (and an update on the one in September).

Hi everyone! :)
How are you all? I hope you're all well and you've all had a great summer!
Firstly, a warm welcome to all you new people who have expressed an interest in joining our Stammtisch! It will be great to have extra people added to the group! The more the merrier!! ;)
(I received the new members e-mail adresses from Dawn Wässle, just incase any of you are wandering how I knew who to write to! She said you all wanted to receive the info about the next meet ups, so here we are!...)
I hope this e-mail finds all of you well.
Secondly, an appology to you (especially the members who were on the list before the new ones and also to Dawn)...
...I am so sorry I didn't send this e-mail to all of you earlier. However, we were away from Friday 1st October until last night - (Monday 18th).
I also wanted to e-amil you all before I went on holiday, to inform you that I would not be arranging an October Stammtisch for the 1st Thursday in the month.
However, I had a lot more things to sort out as usal, as I was involved in an accident and had a lot to arrange due to that. Still, I have kind of recovered now, so thats OK.
Thirdly, I just wanted to mention September's Stammtisch. I'm not really sure what went wrong, but...about 7 people who said they would come along, didn't turn up! I was very confused about it. I'm not sure if it was just because people couldn't find us, or changed their minds in the end and didn't come, or what it was?! I got there at 18:45h, ready for the 19:00h starting time. No-one arrived with me, until 19:30h! That person who arrived then, was a friend of mine, who I knew outside the Stammtisch group and decided to tag along. The other people who arrived after that, were also other private friends/students of mine, and not those who had replied to say they'd come. I was feeling kind of disappointed about that, as the August Stammtisch also turned out to be a small group. (Around 7 or so.) However, maybe that was because people were still away for both of those Stammtisch meetings that I organised. I'm not sure.
I very much hope the next one I organise will be more successful and I will keep at it!! ;)
I am of course still hoping to arrange my Stammtisch meet-up for November and will be contacting you all again about the details for that, at a later date. (But it will be on the 1st Thursday in November as normal, no doubt.)
Kind Regards and Best Wishes,
Sarah Jane Lees.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fw: English STammtisch - Oct. 21st

Hello Everyone
The next Stammtisch will take place on 21 October - starting at 7 p.m. - Fledermaus Emoticon
                    Drei Kannen - Historisches Brauhaus
                    Hafenbad 31/1
                    D-89073 Ulm

Telefon 0731 6 77 17
I've booked tables upstairs - so if this is your first Stammtisch - just ask where the English group is.  
Neither Heather nor I can be there next week - but I'm sure you'll manage without the "management".
See you soon
Heather and Dawn