Tuesday, January 26, 2010

fw: WG: Was tun, wenn

Ein wahres Ereignis:

Während gegrillt wurde, stolperte Ingrid und fiel hin. Man bot ihr an,

einen Krankenwagen zu rufen, doch sie versicherte allen, dass sie OK war und
sie nur wegen ihrer neuen Schuhe über einen Stein gestolpert sei.

Weil sie ein wenig blass und zittrig wirkte, half man ihr, sich zu

säubern und brachte ihr einen neuen Teller mit Essen. Ingrid verbrachte den
Rest des Abends heiter und fröhlich. Ingrids Ehemann rief später an und ließ
alle wissen, dass seine Frau ins Krankenhaus gebracht worden war. Um 23.00
Uhr verstarb Ingrid. Sie hatte beim Grillen einen Schlaganfall erlitten.

Hätten ihre Freunde gewusst, wie man die Zeichen eines Schlaganfalls

deuten kann, könnte Ingrid heute noch leben.

Manche Menschen sterben nicht sofort. Sie bleiben oft lange in einer auf

Hilfe angewiesen, hoffnungslosen Situation.

Es dauert nur 1 Minute, das Folgende zu lesen...

Ein Neurologe sagte, dass wenn er innerhalb von 3 Stunden zu einem

Schlaganfallopfer kommen kann, er die Auswirkung eines Schlaganfalls

aufheben könne. Er sagte, der Trick wäre, einen Schlaganfall zu erkennen,

zu diagnostizieren und den Patienten innerhalb von 3 Stunden zu behandeln,
was allerdings nicht leicht ist.

Erkenne einen Schlaganfall: Es gibt 4 Schritte, an die man sich halten

sollte, um einen Schlaganfall zu erkennen.

-Bitte die Person, zu lächeln (sie wird es nicht schaffen).

-Bitte die Person, einen ganz einfachen Satz zu sprechen (zum Beispiel:

"Es ist heute sehr schön.").

-Bitte die Person, beide Arme zu erheben (sie wird es nicht oder nur

teilweise können).

-Bitte die Person, ihre Zunge heraus zu strecken (Wenn die Zunge

gekrümmt ist, sich von einer Seite zur anderen windet, ist das ebenfalls ein

Zeichen eines Schlaganfalls.)

Falls er oder sie Probleme mit einem dieser Schritte hat, rufe sofort

den Notarzt und beschreibe die Symptome der Person am Telefon.

Ein Kardiologe hat gesagt, wenn man diese Mail an mindestens 10 Leute

schickt, kann man sicher sein, dass irgendein Leben - eventl. auch

unseres - dadurch gerettet werden kann.

Wir senden täglich so viel "Schrott" durch die Gegend, da können wir

doch auch die Leitungen mal mit etwas Sinnvollem verstopfen, findet Ihr




Chirurgische Univ. Kliniken

Anichstr. 35

6020 Innsbruck

Tel. 050 504 22302

Fax 050 504 22303


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fw: English Stammtisch - Haiti Charity

Hello Stammtisch members
Khursheed wrote:
In view of the great disaster facing Haiti people, I feel we in the first world should feel obliged to help these needy people.
After getting positive feedback from you at Stammtisch on Thursday, we've decided to go ahead with the idea of organizing a charity dinner get-together.  
Anna has generously offered to have the dinner at her home. 
Our donations for Haiti will then be given to a reputable organization.  May we suggest a minimum donation of 20 euros per person? 
Please let me know if you plan to come.
        Charity Soup & Salad Supper   - Saturday, Jan.30th  - 6 p.m. -  at Anna's place
         Anna Honold,
        Mühlsteige 5, Kienlesbergresidenz, 
        89075 Ulm,              0731/1439610
        BYOB.  Water will be provided -but please bring any other beverage you'd like.
        RSVP by Thursday noon - Jan. 28th - to Dawn at dd.waessle@arcor.de  or call   0731 / 26 66 50
                                                      For food planning we need to know how many people will be attending.
Hope to see you there.
Khursheed, Anna, & Dawn  

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fw: English Stammtisch - new ideas + information

Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 1:05 PM
Subject: English Stammtisch - new ideas + information

Hello everyone
First - Khursheed has a suggestion that we can discuss when we meet this evening. (Who would like to cook?  And where could we hold such an event?)
In view of the great disaster facing Haiti people, I feel we in the first world should feel obliged to help these needy people.

How about organising some dinner to raise fund for Haiti? It could be  30-35 Euros/plate. Please give a thought and may check the view of other Stammtisch members if they want to join this event.

Second - Katherine (Kat) wrote to me with a new idea.  She'd like to start an afternoon English Stammtisch group for parents with small children.  If you're interested - or know someone who might be interested - please contact Katherine directly at  LomoKat@yahoo.com
And a message from Heather B.:
Avatar in English is on in 3D at Dietrich 5.15pm Monday - Weds, there's a sneak preview of
some new film on Monday at 10.30pm (!!)
See you this evening.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

FW: English Stammtisch - Jan. 21st

From: Dawn+Dietmar Waessle [mailto:dd.waessle@arcor.de]
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 1:54 PM
To: Burton Heather
Subject: English Stammtisch - Jan. 21st

Hello Everyone - and Happy New Year 2010.

A new decade calls for a new system, right? Let's plan to have
Stammtisch on the third Thursday of each month in 2010. I hope this will
make it easier for you to plan ahead.

I think it's best if we meet at different locations throughout the year.
If you have any suggestions of where 20 - 30 people could meet, let us

RESTAURANT, Herrenkellergasse 4, in Ulm - starting at 7 p.m.

Hope you can make it.

Heather and Dawn

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Ines Schneider asked if the group is for Germans as well.

Ines Schneider asked if the group is for Germans as well.

My answer is "Why yes, it is for everyone who wants to join"

As mentioned in the small box to the lower left side, I started the blog as a networking option for Americans living in the U/NU area. There are actually a lot of ex-soldiers living as Expats here in the region; unfortunately, they don't seem blurf a lot, or use Google to look for other Amis. What I didn't know when I started, is how many Americans live here and work at the Uni, or study here, or just live here married to Germans, etc. 

About the same time that I started the blog, I also met a German guy, with whom I became good friends with, and he introduced me to the English Stammtisch from Dawn and Heather.

They have been organizing the Stammtisch in the Ulmer area neigh on 10 years or so.  I stake no claims whatsoever in starting or organizing the Stammtisch. But, what I did do, is to start posting the invitation mails from Dawn and Heather to my blog. This is very easy, as anyone who has a Blog, may know, as all I do is re-send the mail to a special mail address, and schwupdiwup, its posted.


I have received many mails from Americans living in America coming to Ulm, as well as Americans living in Ulm, who are seeking contact and now find it at the Stammtisch.  I am greatly glad for helping, and stress again and again; Stammtisch = Dawn & Heather – Blog & FB Group = Alan


As to invitations to the Stammtisch, these will come from Dawn and Heather evermore. I will continue to re-post them on the blog, and will start posting them on the group, and add them to the Events page.


Anyone who wishes to join the group is more than welcome. And anyone who just wants to read the blog, is also more than welcome, damn everyone is more than welcome to be more than welcome ;-)e




Monday, January 04, 2010

Americans in Ulm on Facebook

I have started a group on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=262103073901
feel free to go in and join the group, this gives us a chance for discussions and to post photos etc.