Monday, March 30, 2009

Fw: [Americans in Ulm] New comment on Well hello 2 followers!

Thanks to Elizabeth for the following comment. The Leo website really is amazing; I have been using it for a couple of years now, but never had the idea to share it with anyone on my blog, so kudos Elizabeth for that as well.
If I may add; is also pretty cool, especially for those just moved here, die Deutsch noch nicht mächtig sind.
Wishing a wonderful start into the week, and hope the weather finally starts getting better.
----- Original Message -----
From: Elizabeth
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2009 12:23 PM
Subject: [Americans in Ulm] New comment on Well hello 2 followers!

Elizabeth has left a new comment on your post " Well hello 2 followers!":

The Stammtisch was cool. It was only my second time there, but I find it amazing how all these different sorts of people ended up in Ulm.

Anyway- for anyone actually interested in expanding their German, I find the Leo website extremely helpful:

It's far from perfect, but much better than Babelfish.

Posted by Elizabeth to Americans in Ulm at 30 March, 2009 12:23

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Well hello 2 followers!


Now that there are actually 2 people following this blog, I suddenly feel small pangs of obligation to write things. Isnt that strange how that works? We feel obligated to do things when we feel someone is looking, but the freedom to do other things when we think no one is looking? Enough philosophy for this morning. Unfortunately I didn't make it to the Stamm Tisch on Thursday, as I had something better to do, meaning, that I went to the movies with my wife. Not that I wouldn't have enjoyed the Stamm Tisch, I mean I always enjoy it, but going to the movies with my wife is a rare treat.


We went to see "Slumdog Millionaire", and I must say I was sceptical at first and really didn't relish the thought, thinking it would be more like Titanic with curry, but I was absolutely wrong, and even more swept away. I truly think that it won the Oscars with due merit! It really had all elements of great cinema, and I think that it will be a milestone, not only for India, but for the whole branch – Yes! You can make an Indian film with practically no mass-dance-scenes! Actually, the story was binding, the plot epic, and the camera and setting dreams of themselves. This will be a movie to be shown every Easter for the next 20 years. (after the licensing is all cleared up). Really an enjoyable night. So I am sorry for Dawn and Heather, but this time I have to say, that Jamal was the clear winner.


BUT! If anyone else would like to send a note, on how the Stamm Tisch was, please feel free to send a mail, and I will post it (them)




Monday, March 23, 2009


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fw: Films in English

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 7:37 AM
Subject: Films in English

What are you doing this evening??  Here's a notice I got from Robert B yesterday evening.  Both of the movies sound interesting.
Just noticed there is a show in English of 'The Reader' at the 
Xinedome tomorrow (17th March) at 17:00. Also this Sunday (22nd March) 
is a Matinee with breakfast of 'Australia' in English for €6 starting  at
10:30 with a talk on Australia. This  has to be booked 
via Spazz Magazine via e-mail by Thursday (full details on Xinedome 
Ulm Homepage).
Die Plätze sind limitiert, daher ist eine verbindliche Anmeldung bis zum 19. März 2009 unter unbedingt erforderlich. Im Unkostenbeitrag von 6 Euro sind Prosecco, Butterbrezel und natürlich auch die Kinokarte enthalten.
Please circulate.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Fw: English Stammtisch March 26th

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2009 2:31 PM
Subject: English Stammtisch March 26th

Hi everyone
Wow - another month has flown by.  Time to get together for English Conversation. 
It seems as though most people are satisfied with Drei Kannen, so let's meet there again.
 Date:           MARCH 26th - starting at 7 p.m.  I've reserved the tables upstairs.
 Venue:        Drei Kannen Historisches Brauhaus  -- around the corner from the courthouse (Justizgebäude)
                     Hafenbad 31/1     Tel: 67717
 Heather and Dawn     Smiley mit geöffnetem Mund Emoticon +   Strebersmiley Emoticon