Monday, November 24, 2008

Fw: American in Ulm

----- Original Message -----
From: Elizabeth
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 1:09 PM
Subject: American in Ulm

Just this morning, I learned about your blog "Americans in Ulm". 
First, a little about me:  I moved from Pennsylvania to Ulm in Feb 2006 (my husband is a native German), married without children, 32, non-smoker, and I do not drink alcohol.  I'm slowly learning Deutsch on my own, but my main obstacle is the  nonexistence of actual verbal face to face practice. 
Second, what I am looking for:  someone to practice speaking Deutsch with.  One hour per week would be my suggested starting point.  They MUST be a non-smoker. 
I'm also interested in the monthly Stammtisch as well as speaking my native English with others.  I realize I just missed this month's gathering.  However, it might take me awhile to get myself to one of these gatherings.  The short story is anxiety in relation to groups.  Small groups, 4 or less people, might be more doable for me.  But, at this point I'd rather start slow and shoot for a 1-to-1 or 2-to-1 ratio.
I read through the blog this morning and saw that in addition to gathering to eat and drink once a month, sometimes there is a gathering for baseball as well in the warmer months.  Can I suggest another activity?  I love to play card games and it would be great (for me anyway) to have others to play with as well.  Not really a poker person myself, but games like gin, rummy or 7s.  Or even a board game like Mühle.  Interested??
(on Elizabeth`s request, I have deleted her E-Mail address, if you would like to contact Elizabeth, please write to me, and I will forward the mail. Alan)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Stammtisch on Thursday

Well, I was at the Stammtisch on Thursday, it was really nice. I was speaking with George and Vladimir (I hope I wrote that correctly) and explained that I hadn't been to Saloniki Restaurant Bei Niko in years. My wife and I used to go there, and across the street to Alexis Sorbas quite often, about 9 –10 years ago, but the prices started going up, and the quality went down, so we stopped going. But I have to say, on Thursday I ate the Mousaka, to a fair price, and it was really good. Maybe I will visit again some other time. George said the next Stammtisch will be at the same place, same time, but on the 11th. I think Dawn and Heather will send a mail, and I will post it here again.


I met Kate, and she seems really nice. We were joking around that Wilhelm and I are learning Chinese, and that she speaks Chinese, who knows, maybe we can set up a "Chinese Stammtisch"! If anyone reads this, and is interested, drop a line.


Well 'nuff said for now. As soon as D&H send a mail, it'll appear here. 'till then, cheers,

up and (sort of) running!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fw: English Stammtisch request

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 9:57 PM
Subject: English Stammtisch request

Hi everyone
I hope we have a nice turnout on THursday  - like last month.
Below you'll find a request sent in by Lotte.  Does anyone know about a room to rent - or are you looking for a flatmate?
Contact Burcin directly, please.
Hi All,

This is Burcin Ozenli who came to ULM with an EVS programme. European Volunteer Service is supported by European Union.
And i'll stay in ULM for 6 monts.
I'm trying to find a housemate who can offer a room or rent an apartment together!!
Also, Can anyone recommend websites or resources to find housing/sublets/furnished rooms in the city? Is this a good way to find a room?
Does anyone in the group know someone looking for a roommate? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I have to find this place asap :) and it should be located in the city center or close to it.

phone : (number deleted by Alan)

email :

Hallo an alle,

Ich bin die Burcin zenli, bin durch das EVS Projekt fr sechs Monate in Ulm – Deutschland und suche eine Unterkunft fr mich. Ich wrde mich sehr freuen wenn jemand ein Zimmer fr mich htte oder mir Tipps geben knnte wo ich Zimmer bekommen knnte.


Vielen dank im voraus….


Burcin zenli