Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fw: English Stammtisch - Nov.20th

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:24 PM
Subject: English Stammtisch - Nov.20th

Hello. You're probably surprised to get this invitation so early!
Stammtisch last week was really too crowded.
Thanks to George T. for reserving a larger space for us to meet next month.
Let's meet at:
Saloniki Restaurant Bei Niko (Frauenstrasse 31) on Thursday, November 20th at 7 P.M. in Ulm.
Their telephone number is 6 02 24 75
Happy Halloween tomorrow - and don't forget that the stores will probably be closed on Saturday for All Saints Day.
See you on Nov. 20th.
Dawn and Heather

Friday, October 24, 2008

A direct post from Alan

I attended the Stammtisch last night at Herrenkeller,  and must say it was a blast. I am really, really pleased that I have been able to help at least a few people find connections in the Ulmer region through this blog. I have always run this thing sort of lazily, just forwarding Dawn's and Heather's, and other peoples E-Mails to the blog per mail. But today I have decide to write personally to anybody and everybody who looks in, to feel free to send me your comments, and critique.


Mrs. President Dawn, and Mrs. Vice President Heather, didn't expect such a crowd yesterday. There weren't nearly enough seats, and  few people had to sit out in the next room, but Heather was whirling like a Dervish (unfortunately without the cute tasselled hat) to get people chairs, greeting, and doing… wow! I was glad that I was already sitting, as I was getting dizzy watching her! Respect! Dawn has already said, that she will consider getting a larger room or table next month. It was full, hot, and loud! But I have to say, also one of the best Stammtische I've been to yet. Kudos to Dawn for organizing these things.


Lets keep it up and put Dawn and Heather to the test and see how many come to the next meeting ;-))


Best wishes, and a nice weekend.




Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fw: [Americans in Ulm] New comment on Fw: English Stammtisch - Oct. 23rd.

Dear Courtney,
Thanks for writing ;-))
----- Original Message -----
From: Courtney
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 6:07 PM
Subject: [Americans in Ulm] New comment on Fw: English Stammtisch - Oct. 23rd.

Courtney has left a new comment on your post "Fw: English Stammtisch - Oct. 23rd":

hi dawn and heather,

i am an american new to ulm and just saw your post about the english language stammtisch! sounds great! hopefully i'll see you all there!


Posted by Courtney to Americans in Ulm at 22 October, 2008 18:07

Monday, October 20, 2008

Fw: Indian Diwali Night in Ulm !

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 3:57 PM
Subject: Indian Diwali Night in Ulm !

Hello Everyone,
As last year, this year too an Indian Diwali Night is being organised on 08th Nov 2008 in Ulm. It has cultural events, bollywood music, fashion show, Indian dinner and much more.
Please find attached the Invitation Flyer. If you would be interested to attend the same, please contact me at an earliest so as to issue the invitation ticket/s. Kindly do pass it on to your friends too in case they would also be interested to attend it.
Attached is the card !
With best regards,
Tanuj Dudeja
Contact No. : +49 174 2179821

Friday, October 10, 2008

Appoligies (again)

My appoligies to April and "ak.vorrat(?) about not answering thier comments. I will amend the blog, so that I get the comments per mail, and can answer in a timely manner. April, You would have to ask Dawn or Heather about the source of the movies (if you havent already done thus). I presume they are equiped with some sort of super human powers, but who knows?!? If they are, they will undoubtably deny it. ak.vorrat, I have somehow always found "flash mobbing" suspicious. There was hardly ever any flashing, and well, as we know, mobbing is immoral and bad for the working atmosphere, so I would suggest you leave this to the FKK crowd, which somehow should also count as flash mobbing. or flashing mobs. or what ever. DufG, Alan

Fw: English Stammtisch - Oct. 23rd

----- Original Message ----- To: Burton Heather Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 1:34 PM Subject: English Stammtisch - Oct. 23rd
Let's meet for English conversation on October 23rd at Drei Kannen Restaurant - Historisches Brauhaus starting at 7 p.m. The address is: Hafenbad 31/1 in Ulm Tel: 67717 Another new person found out about Stammtisch through Alan's blog. And she hasn't even moved to Ulm yet! We can hopefully welcome Kate to Ulm on the 23rd. We'll be upstairs in the room called - Die Laube. The reservation was made in my name - Waessle. Hope to see you there. Dawn and Heather